Friday, February 17, 2006

These Things Aren't Even Funny

Okay. This is a little late. But since it's still going on, we'll comment on it. I don't get the whole uproar over the Islam cartoons. Only one of them is even funny. If you're curious as to which one is funny, see below:

The only funny one out of the 12. Not bad, really.

So this one is pretty funny. Dudes looking like they had just blown themselves and a few innocent bystanders up with C4 strapped to the chest waiting in line to claim their virgins in heaven, only to find out that Microsoft didn't make enough XBox 360's... er, virgins... How many do you get, anyway? And do they stay virgins in heaven? Or do they just become normal after you un-virgin-ize them?

As for the rest of the comics... I mean, the rest of them are pretty lame. But I can see why you would want to riot. Because the cartoons totally weren't funny. And if there's something that I hate, it's unfunny cartoons. I mean, look at this one. Totally sucks. It looks like someone drew this while daydreaming in DiffEq lecture. And it's not even in English. So lame.

Poorly drawn. Not even in English. Lame.

And now the best part is that some newspapers won't even run these cartoons, and people are going nuts over it. Check out the NYT article about some of our DI guys. My two cents? I'm glad that they were suspended for reprinting 6 of the cartoons. I don't know which ones that they reprinted, but at least 5 of them weren't funny. I think that no responsible newspaper editor should run these cartoons. At least the 11 that aren't funny. We already have enough unfunny cartoons in our newspaper. For example, all of our student-drawn comics in the history of the DI, save Blue Rice, Pills, and The Way Life Should Be. And many of the professionally-drawn comics suck, too. Like Garfield. Or For Better or Worse. Or Family Circus. Or Ziggy. Or Cathy. Or... you get the picture. People who keep feeding us this crap like that should be suspended. In case anyone's curious, a good cartoon would be The Boondocks, which is a modern-day Doonesbury (which is still excellent).

I don't know. And what does this say about the Danish cartoonists? These Danish cartoons just don't do cartoonists justice. If I was a cartoonist, I'd want to move to Daneland because apparently they print cartoons that aren't very well drawn and aren't funny. I bet that it's easier to get a job as a cartoonist in Daneland. Where the heck's Daneland, anyway?

Oh well.


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