Sunday, April 05, 2009

Getting Youthenized

Okay. I know know that I just said that I had a new favorite commercial. So, I may come off as being a bit flaky when I say that I have a new favorite commercial. But trust me. Given the nature of, well, me... this one makes sense. I mean, where else do you hear anyone detail a political platform based on mandatory euthanasia? And now, Chairman 2020: A Vision for the Future will have a new title sponsor.

"We're gonna youthenize America!"

You're damned right.

All I know is that this really makes me want to get Direct TV. (In particular, check out the Bikini Installation Team - for obvious reasons - and Charge More - "I learned about this in business school, when I read about business school... in a book...")



clauff said...

Haha, when I saw the "Youthenize America" spot, I immediately thought of you.

Chairman said...

Tell me that isn't a perfect commercial for my presidential campaign...

Greg McConnell said...

This reminds me that P.O.D.'s "Youth of a Nation" song would be pretty easy to spoof...