Thursday, April 13, 2006

Insomniac Thoughts

So what happens when you can't sleep? Well, for me, it's like my brain becomes a popcorn machine. All sorts of little bursts that go in every direction.

I need to get my health lined up. I need to be able to carve out 3 hours a day devoted to my health. Part of that is hitting the gym. Part of that is cooking healthy food. Part of that is taking time to pray and meditate. I've been lousy at all three of late. Part of it is that I've been too tired to go lift (bad cycle to get into). Part of it is that I've been too lazy to cook (another bad cycle to get into). This lack of discipline is sort of pissing me off, actually. I think that I've been holding steady, but I'm still at a stage where I need to get healthier. Holding steady is not what I'm wanting to do.

Technology is both a blessing and a curse. The other day, I picked up a little surround sound system. It's pretty cool. I've actually got a sound system for the first time in my life. Of course, since I didn't spend a ton of cash on it, there's only two sets of inputs. So, if I also want surround sound for my VCR, video games, and PC, I need to get some sort cable splitter. What a pain. But I will say that movies are a lot more fun to watch at home now.

I need to get the ball rolling on my research. All of this stuff that I've been doing has been developed pretty well in my head. And now I need to get this stuff down on paper and into the field. Unfortunately, for me, it's not nearly as fascinating to write about stuff that I've learned. While this is how academics show off to the world, and is actually sort of neat to see the outcome, and it's important to get stuff into the collective knowledge banks, I just don't dig it quite as much.

I watched part of Juwana Mann on Comedy Central earlier tonight. What is it about guys dressing up as girls that amuses me so much? And what is it about a guy dressing up as a WNBA player that makes me chuckle... probably it's because we all have that thought of, "geez - this chick basketball is terrible... I could do better." And of course, we see it happen in the movie. And maybe it's because I'm not sleeping, and right now anything is funny.

I'm going to get a little bit of work done over the next couple days, but I'm going to get myself caught up on sleep. I hope. And then, we'll attack the remainder of the semester and get a good start on this summer paper. Should be good times.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's face it, my fantasy baseball team keeps you up at night.