Thursday, June 15, 2006

You're It.

I love how little, subtle things amuse the hell out of me. Like the taglines that you see on blogs and websites. It's like everything in the blog is up for public consumption, but only a few who really look will catch the subtle things. I love Page 2's little comments on the side, even if the quality of material has steadily gone down over the years. I suppose that when you lose Hunter S. Thompson and Ralph Wiley, you can't help but have your quality drop. Right now, the old guard is still Bill Simmons, who's managed to keep things interesting. And TMQ is back. But for heaven's sake, more Tim Keown, and less Jim Capel fluff (though his actual writing is nice - let's kill his fake scripts). I want to hear original thoughts, not writers trying to pull a Weird Al, using something pop with something from sports. More Scoop Jackson and less Jason Whitlock talking about Kansas City. And that was all a tangent.

Anyway, it's back to work, after a lot of fun out west. LA is doable. I can see a whole bunch of applications heading off to UCLA, USC, and maybe even Long Beach City College.

But, anyway, it's time to head back to the Batcave, and get changed for some ultimate. The legs are getting back, slowly. I'm still not good out there, but right now I don't suck. Which is a nice change.


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