Saturday, October 01, 2005

One Step At A Time


So, another week has been survived. Things lighten up for my classes for a couple weeks, so now I need to dial in on my project. I got feedback from my professor from the last section that I turned in. I'm not setting the world on fire, but there's progress, and that's good enough. This weekend, my goals are to make some edits on what I've written, as well as get a methodology section out to my professor. Once that gets out there, we're pretty miuch in the revision phase. Which is nice. October 31st is just around the corner. The goal was the 15th to get the first draft done. I think think that I'll make it.

I also had to lead discussion for my class on Wednesday. That seemed to go pretty well. It was a livelier conversation than it had been in the previous weeks. I think that some of my small group leading skills helped out. I got some nice feedback from my class paper, and once I take care of the project. Essentially a "revise and resubmit," which means that there's some worthy contribution, but there are parts that need some work. I guess that some of the other students have gotten "desk rejects" (where the editor, or in this case, the professor, automatically rejects the paper and doesn't even pass it on to reviewers) on their papers, so at least I'm not in last place, and I won't be the first one off of the island.


I'm curious as to how this whole life thing works. I wonder if there are built-in re-runs. A couple of posts ago, I commented about this girl T that I was into about a year ago. I hadn't really had any contact with her for a few months. So out of the blue, I get an IM. You know, the, "hey, haven't talked to you in forever, how are you doing, we should hang out, etc." one. I'm friendly, but don't commit to anything. Now, I guess the question goes, do I... a) stick to my general philosophy of not making girls feel good about themselves, or b) decide to go hang out with this really hot girl that I think is pretty fun, too? You'd figure that b) would be the obvious choice. But I'm really digging how a) is going right now.

Anyway, life is good. I need some sleep, though.

Until then.

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