Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Quote of the Moment

"It's one thing if you're naturally ugly, but I hate people who let themselves get that way."

I mean, this is one heck of a quote. The best (and somewhat shocking) part is that I didn't even say it. This quote comes from a chick who we met while out with MTS and G-Man the other night. This is also a reminder that I need to meet more people at the bars. The hilarious part? The gal uttering this amazing quote was maybe a 5.5 or 6, and was clearly insane.

Anyway, just a fun teaser that I had to get down in print before I forgot about it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's also quite amazing that I didn't say it around a girl that would probably be a suitable object for the comment and then have to have you laugh uncontrollably at me while I insert foot in mouth.