Thursday, January 22, 2009

Efficient Justice

Gotta love the Chinese.

A little while back there was some problem with milk. Basically, producers were adding chemicals to powdered milk to make it look like it was of higher quality. And a few babies got sick or died. Okay. So you may think that 300,000 sick babies is more than "a few," but you have to remember that 300,000 babies is like 1% of China's annual baby production.* So it's not really that big of a deal.

Say what you want about human rights violations and all of that stuff, but you have to admire the efficiency. Trial starts on Dec. 30, 2008. Concludes 3 weeks later. The executions will probably be done by the start of March, based on the timing of the conviction, appeal process, and execution of the head of the Chinese FDA last year, though in fairness that one was sort of fast-tracked.

I suppose that if John Grisham were Chinese, his courtroom dramas wouldn't be novels, but short stories. All I can say is that I'm for anything that would keep idiots like Nancy Grace off the air.


*The funny part - I was just joking when I wrote this. When I fact-checked this, the numbers work out to about 1.65%.


Unknown said...

Blago's lucky he doesn't live in China.

Chairman said...

I don't know, Fish. In China, selling public office is probably about par for the course.