Monday, June 22, 2009

Twittering Idiots

There's been a lot made of Twitter, particularly the role that it's played in this whole Iran scenario. Originally, my thought was that Twitter made us all dumber. And, I think that I still hold to that thought. Especially in the case of the Iran thing. We have no clue what's reliable and what isn't reliable. It's this information overload, where you're not sure if you're getting breaking news, or if you're getting a con job. And this is the sort of thing where you have no idea how useful all of this is. Quick aside - I'm guessing that the election in Iran was rigged and that Twitter has played a minor to moderate role in increasing global awareness, however, I'm fearful that the opposite scenario could be true: What if the elections in Iran were legit, the losers are using technology to get Western support for mob rule and an attempted revolution? From what I've seen, it could go either way, but we don't have much evidence, either way.

Note added 6/22 @ 1:35pm - It appears that the government in Iran has acknowledged that there were issues with the vote. Not exactly clear if the vote was rigged (more votes than voters in 50 cities), and the natural question is whether the outcome was changed. I will say this, in my Dictatorship 101 seminar, we were taught that when in doubt, deny everything and crush dissidents mercilessly. Of course, we were also taught to never hold elections for any sort of office, beyond, maybe, student council elections.

But one thing that I do sort of like is the ability to share your own inane thoughts to the world in 140-character sound bites. For someone who's as wordy as I am, this sort of forces you to get to the point. From time to time, I'm going to post some of my more interesting tweets (twits? twats? wait... probably not the last one). It's hard to get much out of any one tweet. But, over the long run, you see some trends. Cynicism, crude humor, and me reveling in my awesome lifestyle.

Hand down. Man down! I think that I'm liking that phrase more than I should. God bless Mark Jackson.Kobe gets #4. More importantly Adam Morrison got a ring. Karl Malone, Patrick Ewing, and Charles Barkley are rolling in their graves.@Westy33 Don't hate, baby. Can't you just admire the greatness? I know that you're a T'Wolves guy, so the concept may be foreign...

Apparently, it'll be like 95 degrees all week in NOLA. Good times, if I don't spontaneously combust.Dude in 1st class traded seats w/ a WWII Normandy vet who's flying back from France. First class move in appreciation of the Greatest Generation. ...Just hit the ground. 50 minute delay because they put the fuel in the wrong tanks. I don't know if that's more annoying or scary.

Incredibly beautiful houses and neighborhoods in NOLA. Of course, I'll probably live in an urban war zone.

Beers and darts with new friends. And when one's Irish, it quickly becomes too many beers.Offer+counteroffer+another counteroffer=? Closing in on being a landowner.Counter-counteroffer accepted! Step one of becoming a slumlord is complete.Just FYI: 1450 sq ft., 2 bed, 1.5 bath, 2nd floor balcony. Walking distance to drug dealers, pawn shops, liquor stores, and chicken shacks.Okay. Slight detour. I'm not the sort to be awake for the hotel breakfast. A roast beef po boy at Parasol's coming up.There's a joint called Ninja Sushi out here. We'll see how battling the Ninja works out.Uggh... I fought the Ninja, and the Ninja won...Overslept the hotel breakfast. Again. And the checkout. Now, off to get some po' boys before the road home.


Greg McConnell said...

So a few weeks ago I quietly joined Twitter, just to dip my foot in the pond. A few days later I got an email saying that "poop" was following me. I nearly closed my account right then and there. But then the next day I got an email saying that "Chairman Gau" was following me, so I was like, "Well, that's a step up from poop."

Maybe I'll have to actually join all the fun and start tweeting. In the meantime, dang, Adam Morrison has a ring? I hadn't thought of it that way...

Chairman said...

I don't know if I'd go that far...

Greg McConnell said...

Well, I suppose I should actually read what poop tweets before I judge. But in any case, congrats on becoming a slumlord! ;-)

Chairman said...

Sadly, I'm not a slumlord, yet. But once I buy a 2nd place and rent it out, then I'm a slumlord, and then I will have truly made it.

Greg McConnell said...

Oh, I thought you were planning to rent out the 2nd bedroom. But I guess it's a good move not to let the regular folk get too close...

clauff said...

There was an interesting article in the Washington Post about voter fraud in Iran. It basically explained that using some psychology and statistics, it's highly likely that the election was rigged. Check it out: