Friday, November 13, 2009

Those Wacky Germans

I'm not going to lie - I've have many unhealthy fascinations. Many of the things that I find amusing are probably not good for my development as a human being. But they're pretty funny, though. One of these unhealthy fascinations is with how people deal with power, and the Germans have always fascinated me. I've let you guys into some of this with previous posts, such as this one. Okay. So it's clear that my growth as a person has been stunted. But let's focus.

Current item of interest. German Perceptions of History for $600, Alex. Germans want to forget actions of the past, and want to remove names and actions from the historical record? What is, "yes." Check out this story, picked up over at the NYT. Don't get me wrong. I like the idea of quelling free speech. But to edit history? That's a lot of work. Just ask the Japanese. Or my guy Mahmoud over in Iran. I'm all about clean and easy solutions.

In any case, it seems that those zany Krauts are up to their old antics again. Makes you wonder when Colonel Klink and Sergeant Schultz are going to come walking in the courtroom.


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