Friday, March 14, 2008

My New Dream Job

As part of my greater plan for my run for the Presidency (tentatively dubbed "Roland 2036: Death Before Dishonor," you can see the basic message about halfway down), I think that a couple terms as the Governor of NY will be helpful. My run for Albany will be primarily based on fiscal responsibility. My speech will probably go something like this:

"As Governor of NY, I will rigidly enforce fiscal responsibility. The taxpayers of NY have entrusted us with the act of stewardship. And stewards, we will be. We must be held accountable to the people who entrust us with the public good.

I have seen pictures of Ashley Dupre, and while she is cute, one question must be asked. Really? $2000 a night? That just screams of government waste, and the broken pork barrel system of kickbacks that we have become so accustomed to. There will no longer be pretty cute, $2000 a night call-girls in the Governor's office. I will ensure that the Governor's office is fiscally responsible with their call-girls. We will bring in independent auditors to ensure that we spend much less, or get much hotter call-girls to serve the public office.

We must end the corruption. We must be transparent with our operations. Is this a difficult task? Will there be people who will fight these changes? Of course it is, and of course there will be. Must we make these changes? Can we make these changes? YES, WE MUST, and YES, WE CAN. YES. WE. CAN."

What do you guys think? Will a couple of terms as the Governor of NY help out in my dash to the White House?


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