Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Home Improvements

"Really? Where'd you get the bolt cutters?"
"Which park did you get it from?"

I like how my friends reacted when they heard that I got a park bench for my room in the apartment. They just sort of assumed that I stole it. Which, I have to say, I am very pleased with. Stealing a park bench isn't a simple task. You have to plan it out well - have the bolt cutters ready, have a truck nearby, have something distract people so that they're looking away. I like the fact that my friends think highly enough of me that they would think that I could pull off something like that. At least, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

For the record, I actually bought the park bench and a ceiling fan off at Home Depot, and got them both installed yesterday. Ceiling fans are surprisingly simple to set up. I figured that the odds of me either hurting myself physically or electrically were about even money. I managed to avoid both, though I will say this much... I can see why construction workers curse so much. When you're assembling things, there's just some inevitable task that is completely ridiculous. People who design things never really think it through very well. I managed to reel off a few nice strings of 4-lettered euphemisms regarding product designers and their mothers. But, the fan is installed, and runs great.

First thing that I did after everything was set up? Open up the windows and blinds so I could look outside and have the sun come into the room. The 2nd thing that I did? Popped open a cold can of PBR and sat on my park bench and enjoyed the breeze (from the fan). More importantly, now I can have homeless people stay in the apartment and feel right at home.

Happy Trails

Earlier tonight, I helped Schultzie pack up his moving truck. Big sucker. Lots of stuff, and we filled it up pretty good. Wasn't too bad. Got done in about 3 hours. And got some Papa Del's pizza for our troubles. It was sad, though. Schultzie was someone who I've known for years. Went to church together. Played hoops together every Sunday morning. He was my RB in flag football back in the day. We hung out at Guy's Night (which has become Sanctioned Gambling Night) on Tuesday's for the last 4 years. We've watched many Illini wins and losses together. He's seen me at my highest and lowest points. I stood up in his wedding. And I'll make him rent a tux if I ever get married. I got to play with his newborn son. And tomorrow morning, he drives up to Burlington, Wisconsin to close on his new house and to open a new chapter in his life. Another one of the TFS Extended Family who's headed off for greener pastures. Happy trails, my friend.

Back to School.

Things are moving along. My glorious return to IMPE/CRCE will happen tomorrow morning. Hopefully, I won't die. It's been a few weeks, without much structured work. I've done a good amount of moving, so I've still got some strength, and I've been walking quite a bit, so hopefully the legs are okay. Not a huge week. Need to get some reading and a little write up taken care of tomorrow for class on Thursday. I've got my first day of class for our big freshman Intro to Marketing course, though I'm not really important there. Just need to show. I think that I'll go to the I-Life Fall Rally on Thursday to see what's happening. I really hope that something happens.


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