Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Barren Wastelands

Normally, there's some girl that I've got some sort of interest in. In a moment of reflection, after a whiskey on the rocks and a glass of wine, prior to getting late night, after-bar eats, I realized that it's been a while since I've been interested in anyone. Maybe a little over a year? The last girl that I was interested in was T. And that pretty much died off when I got busy with PhD last fall. I fell off of the radar, and didn't have the time or energy to chase a girl. And that's too bad, really, because she's excessively gorgeous and would've been fun to chase.

Anyway, I came to the realization that right now, I just don't know many women and that I don't really get out much. So even if I wanted to, dating wasn't exactly an easy option. So how does one solve that problem?

I'm glad that you asked.

Two words. Internet dating. I think that these dating services are on to something. I mean, there have to be intelligent, attractive women who just don't have enough guys hanging around them that they have no dating pool and would be desperate enough to turn to the internet for dates. I mean, that's foolproof, isn't it? It's not like a law that every attractive woman is already attached, is it? Oh. It is. Wait. Nevermind.

I'm pretty sure that attractive, single women are either 1) entirely insane and not dateable, or 2) just off of a rebound. I think think that I'm accepting that all women are a little bit nuts. I'm pretty sure that all guys are a little nuts in their own way, too. So there's an acceptable level of insanity that's allowable. I think that I just want to make sure that I avoid the ones that boil pets. As for option 2)? Well, that's like getting a rent controlled apartment in New York City. You just have to be around when someone dies.

Oh well. I'm actually pretty happy with life right now. I'm getting my body back going again. I like the new apartment. I'm playing great poker. I like my classes. Life is good. I think that I'm owning my shit. Now I just need to make sure that I'm hitting on soft 17's. And more importantly, I need to make sure that I'm aware that I'm looking at soft 17s. There's nothing worse than not noticing your environment. I need to notice my environment a little more so that I'm not missing out on soft 17's or the rest of life as it's moving on.


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