Project Self: Getting Iron in the Diet
I've been doing some soul-searching last night and tonight. I have been asking myself the question, "What do I want my life to look like?" And I continually arrive at the same answer. Which is, "I have no idea."
I find myself caught in a strange situation to which I am unaccustomed. I think that I am generally a team-oriented guy. But I have no team for which to fight. I am at a stage of my life where everyone in my life is either an individual-focused person, or is on a team with which I don't really care to play for. I have this uneasy feeling that I am slowly going insane when I look around me and see people refusing to acknowledge their shortcomings, and look for new ways to do things. It drives me nuts when I see people have such terrible processes that their outcomes are almost guaranteed to be negative. I hate it when people are too weak, scared, lazy, etc. to make changes in their life, even after they realize that where they are is awful. And when they bitch and complain? I do all that I can not to get angry or outright mean.
And I hate it that I see all of this in myself.
There is very little here to push me in the ways that I have been used to. I have always thrived when I have someone who understands the metagame of life. Someone who can see things from a bird's eye view and can push me in the right directions. Some people hate being told how to do things. And I do to. But only for things that I have mastered. When it is for things that I have not mastered, I love it. My goal is for continual improvement in all that I do. And I am keenly interested in how those processes work. This carries true for areas of career, friendships, romance, hobbies, athletics, whatever.
At this point, I look around my social network. I have a few wonderful mentors for my career. my advisor and a couple other professors have truly helped me improve myself in my approach to learning. At this point, I look around, and somehow, someway, through only happenstance, have I managed to separate myself a bit from the rest of the pack in my program. Over the last 18 months, I've gone from a kid who showed up with a couple random ideas, to someone who is starting to look like they have a program of research for the foreseeable future. Now, most PhD's graduate without a published journal article, and only have a paper or two under review that comes from their dissertation. I've got my publication (though it's only a B-level journal, not the A-level hit that I want to get a couple of). And beyond that, I just realized that I currently have 5 research projects (all somewhat related, but each with different ultimate goals) in play, with at least 1 more that will be developed from my summer paper, and with 2 more that I am already planning to build off of a current project. And another of the projects has the potential for spawning at least 3 different projects. It's strange to think like this, but I'll have a chance at have 8 journal submissions, in the near future. Of these, 3 or 4 will be attempts at the top journals. And all of this before my dissertation kicks off. The funny thing is, I really don't think that I'm working all that hard. I enjoy what I do, but I don't get myself buried in it. I've left myself time to work out regularly. I've left myself time to relax. And I've left myself time to see friends and make new friends. I credit this to the people who have taken an interest and pushed me to this point. There's still so much more to do. But despite being at a competitive place (turns out we're ranked #21 in the latest marketing rankings in U.S. News) going up against other smart people, I don't have any fear.
Where I am afraid is with everything else. When it comes to making myself a better person, I don't have much coaching. It's funny. In academia, I have so far to go to succeed, yet I am entirely unfazed by the task. For becoming a better person, I can see some things here and there I want to change. I think that I'm a decent guy who's generally on top of his game. I think that most would characterize me as a 'good' person, and most folks like hanging out with me. But I'm always interested in how I can better myself. There are little things that I want to improve. I want to know what's important and know what's not. I want to be able to know how to control my desires so that what I desire is ultimately good and fruitful. And I want to know how to make those things happen. And it's utterly frustrating that I can make it happen like I want to. It's strange, but I think that I have the same conclusion that I had 3 years ago. I don't have a mentor when it comes to life. The one person that does push me is DE. But even that is very domain-specific, generally related to social networking. We do well in the things that we try, but that's somewhat limited. And really, where it's been helpful isn't so much in helping me learn new ways, but rather helping me understand that I can bring techniques from other areas of life into this area. I think that whatever improvements I have been able to manage have been entirely self-driven.
How long can this last, before regression begins? I have no idea. Of course, part of the change over the last few months is finally understanding the point that Morpheus was trying to make when he asks Neo, "You think that's air you're breathing now?" We each of a self-concept that's been formed through years of experience and environment. There are many parts of our self-concept that are useful. But there are many parts that are dysfunctional. If you can strip yourself of your self-concept, you have a chance to rebuild yourself, psychologically. You can maintain the good, but discard the bad. Generally, people like to say that conventional thinking is "inside the box" while unconventional thinking is "outside the box." I am fully convinced that there is no box. I have no limits in what I can do. And as long as I am honest with myself, I can take that path in an entirely positive way. I can see things and see where I am deficient and see how I can improve. And this is freeing.
But I wonder how long it will be before I slowly start to lie to myself. At which point, things break down.
I've always dug Proverbs. 27:17 is one that's good... As iron sharpens iron... so one man sharpens another. I need to find some iron.