Monday, November 07, 2005

Commitment to Excellence

This weekend was much needed. Not much work. Had some fun. And got some of the little things in my life back in order... and here I am.

Al Davis had it right. You need to commit to something to really excel. Over the last few weeks, I had let much of the momentum that I had picked up from August and early September fade. I got myself too deep into school again. And I found myself eating poorly, not working out, and just missing out on life happening all around me. I had that paper due on the 31st, and it finally got done. This past week has been me picking up some of the pieces, sweeping up the mess that I had made, and cleaning up. Hopefully, we'll be able to keep up the momentum until the end of the semester.

So, my room is actually reasonably clean for the first time in a few weeks. The apartment looks pretty nice, as well. I'm about halfway through cleaning and organizing the office, but there are a ton of papers that need to be filed. I think that things are getting back under control on the home front. I even spent some time today making a big pot of chili that I'll be eating for the next few days. I think that I'm going to be cooking more over the next couple weeks. Can't beat that with a stick.

CJ and I hit the gym today for the first itme in a few weeks as well. It felt good. Usual routine, plus a couple new twists. I feel a little stiff already, so that means that we worked it well. I think that I'm going to start back up with the jumprope. I need to get the legs back somehow. I was just plain slow during flag football. A few years ago, I was actually able to make some things happen with my legs. Not this year. I haven't been this slow in a while. I've also brought back my stretching routine from high school. I used to stretch every night before I went to bed. It helped a ton with my flexibility and my recovery time. For the rest of the semester, I'm on the 3-4 times a week schedule. No exceptions.

Where to go now?

This has been a recurring theme, but where to go to get my spiritual community is a question that's been floating around for what seems like forever. I was ready to jump back into an I-Team this fall. But we hit some bumps early on. One of my classes got shifted to Wednesday night, so I was left with really only 2 realistic opportunities for I-Teams. And one of them ended up disbanding. Which left me with really only a single I-Team option. And I'm not quite sure if that's what I'm looking for. It's strange. I went to this I-Team for 3 weeks in early October. I've missed the last couple weeks as things got crazy for me with school. It was okay when I was there - it wasn't obviously the perfect fit for me, but it seemed to be perfectly fine. It wasn't like instant bonding with the guys there, but how often does that happen? But the last few weeks, when I haven't been there, I haven't really missed it. I don't know. I like to think that there's something out there for me that is the right fit. I just haven't really gotten there, yet.

Oh well.

Anyway, a few tidbits for you - you still haven't gotten the rest of my interesting trip down to San Antonio, and this past weekend had some fun moments that are worth mentioning. But for now, it's bedtime, followed by getting back to work.


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